Savantic is concern about the differences between conventional and sustainable paradigms of agriculture and trading which is much more a matter of differences in farming and marketing philosophy than of sustainability practices or methods. We know conventional model of agriculture and trading is fundamentally in industrial development model as large which views farms and market as factories and considers fields, plants, and animals as production units. Savantic goal as industrial development is to increase human well-being by increasing production of material goods and services and simultaneously increasing aggregate employment and incomes. The underlying assumption of the industrial model is that a higher quality of life can be derived from increases in income and consumption of goods and services. A fundamental strategy for industrial development has been to specialize, and mechanize agricultural production in order to achieve the economic efficiencies that are inherent in large-scale industrial production. New technologies are designed to remove physical and biological constraints to production and, thus, make unlimited progress possible. Sustainable agriculture, and trading on the other hand, is based on a holistic paradigm or model of development which views production units as organisms that consist of many complex interrelated sub organisms, all of which have distinct physical, biological, and social limits. Human progress is limited only by our ability to enhance the social, biological, and physical systems of which we are a part. In Savantic we totally believe, sustainable agriculture and trading requires a holistic systems approach to farm resource management. A component approach focusing on individual farming practices, methods, and enterprises may have been appropriate for the era of agricultural industrialization. However, a systems approach which focuses on knowledge-based development of whole farms and communities will be required to address the environmental, economic, and social challenges of the post-industrial era of agricultural sustainability.
More than thirty years of experience manufacturing and exporting special products, along with a state-of-the-art, personalized customer service, and data base allows us to supply the best feasible products and services in each case. We fulfill the challenging technical and quality requirements of food industries worldwide.